Central Portugal – Off the Tourist Trail


Picture My First Week of 2014 . Back home again


Firstly I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year ( better late than never).

After spending December and the start of the New Year with my family in England, I am now back in Portugal, and settling back into my life in the village that time forgot.

After being away for so long, it has taken me the last week to get myself organised. Physically and mentally.

The usual jobs of unpacking, getting the washing done, food shopping, cleaning the house, ordering wood, and “persuading ” the car to start after 5 weeks of inactivity were easily sorted.

The “mental organising” has been harder to get on top of.
I have struggled to get out of my cozy warm bed this week.
My body clock seems stuck on holiday mode, and so does my brain !

The wet weather has meant I haven’t managed my walk in the woods,( which always helps me get mentally prepared for the day) and I have not done half the things I wanted to get done.

After such a long break, I had lots of ideas of what I wanted to get started on this week, but instead I found myself like a rabbit caught in the headlights.
I haven’t been completely inactive though. I had a lovely time playing with my latest crafting equipment, and made lots of greetings cards.

To be honest I think my plans were a tad overly ambitious. I didn’t take into account the change in routine.

So I have put together a (realistic) timetable for next week, and am going to attempt to stick with it.
The toughest bit will be getting out of bed by 7.30 !

I’m looking forward to having some discipline and routine back in my days again, and to blogging on a regular basis.

In the meantime here are a few photos taken in my first week back.